Hampton Pre-Prep and Prep School, London

Hampton Prep School, Pre-Prep & Prep School, Gloucester Road, Hampton, UK
3-11 Years


Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School (formerly known as Denmead School) was founded in 1924 in the dining room of 41 Wensleydale Road by the James family.

The Pre-Prep accepts boys and girls from 3 years to 7 years and is situated on Wensleydale Road in an attractive period building which is homely and inviting. Hampton Prep is in a stunning new state-of-the-art building located off Gloucester Road. 

Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School joined the Hampton School Trust in September 1999; since then the two schools have developed close links while operating independently on a day-to-day basis. 

  • Hampton Pre-Prep, accepts both boys and girls aged 3 to 7 years
  • Hampton Prep, accepts boys only aged 7 to 11 years


Inside there are eight classrooms, an IT suite, a purpose-built art/DT room, library, two music rooms, and an attractive, spacious hall which offers a wonderful space for children’s performances.

Pupils at Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School also benefit from the extensive facilities at the nearby senior school; these include 27 acres of sports fields and a professional-standard performance venue, The Hammond Theatre.

Coach Service:  Hampton School provides coach services for specific routes for Prep Students.


Things to note

A number of Hampton Prep boys go on to join Hampton School at 11+ each year, subject to meeting the Admissions Requirements for the senior school. The Prep School also runs a Hampton Assured Places scheme for boys from Year 2 through until Year 5. More

Extra Curricular

Please check the school website link for details.

Selection Criteria: Selective

Admission Details

Entry to Pre-Prep

Hampton Pre-Prep warmly welcomes girls and boys aged 3 to 7 years. It includes Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, all of which are one-form entry.

Places at KinderGarten:  22 girls & boys


During their time at Pre-Prep, children progress through the Early Years Foundation stage (Kindergarten and Reception) and Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year 2). At the end of Year 2, the boys currently automatically move into Year 3 in Hampton Prep and the girls move on to their next school.

Children may be registered for entry at any time after their birth and early registration is recommended.


We invite all Kindergarten applicants to attend a ‘play’ session where they will meet the staff and current pupils. This will help us and parents assess whether Hampton Pre-Prep is the right environment for their child, and one in which they will be happy and thrive.

Children can enter Kindergarten via:

  • Morning Kindergarten – the September following their third birthday (morning/afternoon sessions)
  • Afternoon Kindergarten – the term that they rise three (afternoon sessions only)

Children entering morning Kindergarten need to attend a minimum of three morning sessions. Once they have progressed to five morning sessions, boys and girls have the option of attending afternoon sessions.

The afternoon sessions are limited to 16 places and the number of places available is dependent upon how many are taken by the older Kindergarten children.

Entry to Prep School  - Selective

The 7+ assessment morning for Year 3 September 2021 entry will take place on Saturday 21st November 2020.


  • English: The English assessment is a pen and paper exercise and allows us to assess each boy’s developing strengths in English. Boys are asked to complete some reading comprehension activities and may also be asked to write a brief story based on a selection of pictures.
  • In Maths, we assess how much arithmetic a boy can complete in a set period of time – but do not expect them to know any more than they would normally encounter in their current Year 2 setting
  • Reasoning ability is assessed using an on-line exercise. No special preparation or practice is required, just an ability to operate a mouse and keyboard.

Soft Assessment : Most of the morning is given over to activities that the boys throw themselves into with great gusto! Outdoor play may include, for instance, tackling a range of giant puzzles in the playground – the boys work together in small groups, sharing ideas on building an interesting model out of wooden blocks and sticks, or inventing a new game for everyone to play. They also spend a good deal of time talking to us! We ask each boy to bring in an object he treasures and tell us all about it. We usually find this aspect of the day the most fascinating of all – once the boys get chatting to us, and to each other, they could often talk for ever!

Reference: A reference is also requested from each boy’s current Headteacher.

Parents are notified of the outcome of the 7+ assessments within three to four weeks. Entry to the Prep is subject to a boy achieving the minimum agreed level in his assessment and places are offered to boys who we feel will be happy and thrive at the School and cope positively with the demands placed upon them. As more boys will be assessed than there are places, responses will be ‘offer’, ‘waiting list’ or ‘no offer’.

Boys currently attending Hampton Pre-Prep automatically progress to the Prep School, subject to meeting the required standards of behaviour and progress.




KinderGarten (per term)

  • Five morning/afternoon sessions (pro-rated for 3/4 sessions)  :  £2,085
  • Full five days: £4170

Reception to Year 2:  £4415

Years 3 - 6 :   £4820

Lunch is included in the fees for Pre-Prep & Prep. Morning break is included in the fees for Pre-Prep


The School do not currently offer Bursaries or Scholarships.



Please check the school website link for details.


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