Westminster Under School
Westminster Under School is an independent school and preparatory school for boys aged 7 to 13 and is attached to Westminster School in London. It acts as the major feeder for Westminster School
Westminster Under School is a busy, passionate and purposeful place where boys greatly enjoy the activities of learning and are given the support and guidance they need to develop as intelligent, compassionate and inquisitive individuals.
Although the Great School and the Under School share the Westminster ethos, the Westminster Under School do not share the same physical site. Since 1981 the Under School has been situated on separate premises in Vincent Square, overlooking the school playing fields, just a few moments’ walk from the Great School and its site on the doorstep of Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament.
While Westminster has a reputation for academic excellence, that tells only half of the story. A Westminster education is so much more.
Drama: Drama has a firm place in the curriculum throughout the school and involves the teaching of a wide variety of key drama skills: from simpler lessons in the early years, looking at short skits, freeze-frames, role-playing and performances that involve dance and music, to learning in the later years about Surrealism, slapstick comedy, mime, the creation of dramatic tension and the art of improvisation.
Sports: Westminster’s Sport programme offers pupils a choice of more than 20 different sporting activities. Each week the boys have two morning or afternoon sessions dedicated to Games.
Chess: Weekly junior and senior chess teaching which take place after school, elite sessions for our most talented boys and participation in the prestigious EPSCA and ECF National Schools’ competitions
After Shool Clubs: Opportunities available include extra coaching in activities both familiar and new such as Fencing, Judo, Chess, LAMDA, Karate, Indoor Cricket, Cookery, Bridge, Clay Modelling, Swimming, Parkour, Drama, Table Tennis, Robotics, Tennis and Animation. There are run by a combination of expert teaching staff and outside specialists and help to give Westminster another aspect of a truly well-rounded education.
Boys may also be involved in a number of musical, dramatic, or sporting activities, some of which involve practice time outside of normal school hours as well as occasional evening or weekend matches or performances.
Things to note
The Under School is well known for the quality of its teaching and the breadth of its curriculum, which best suits intellectually curious boys. The School is small and is nestled amongst the trees of Vincent Square, just a short walk from Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. Expectations for academic achievement are matched by strong pastoral care and the boys are encouraged, at every step, to learn how to live up to the School’s core values.
All this means that, whilst academic standards are high, the School’s focus is just as much on the personal qualities that will ensure the boys’ future success.
Extra Curricular
Selection Criteria: Selective
Admission Details
The application process for September 2021 entry is open. You need to submit the form online (link).
7+ / 8+ / 11+ Application Deadline: 7th Oct 2020
Boys may enter Westminster Under School at ages 7, 8 or 11, and the Great School at age 13. Both boys and girls may enter the Great School at age 16. Applicants may only apply for entry at either 11+ or 13+ but not both.
Number of Places:
- 7+ : 22 boys
- 8+ : 22 Boys
- 11+ 30 boys
7+ & 8+ Entry
- Parents may register their son for admission to Westminster Under School at 7+ and 8+ at any time but registration must have been completed by the published deadline which is generally in the October of the year preceding the point of entry, e.g. October 2020 for a September 2021 start.
- Dates are published on the Admissions’ section of the School’s website.
- A registration fee is payable which is currently £150
- The 7+ and 8+ examinations currently fall in January prior to entry in September, e.g. January 2021 for a September 2021 entry
- The aim of the academic tests and interviews is to explore a boy’s current academic performance and future potential. There are tests in Mathematics, English, Verbal and NonVerbal Reasoning
- Following the academic tests, a boy may be invited for a further morning or afternoon at the Under School if they have done well.
- About 45 boys at both 7+ and 8+ entry points are invited back. This usually includes some whole-class teaching with other boys, some further testing in English and Mathematics and an interview, usually in small groups of boys.
11+ Entry
- Parents may register their son for admission to the Under School at 11+ at any time but registration must have been completed by the published deadline which is generally in the October of the year preceding the point of entry, e.g. October 2020 for a September 2021 start
- Please note that applying for both 11+ at Westminster Under School and at 13+ for Westminster School is not permitted
- The first stage of the 11+ process isfor candidates to take the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Tests in English, Mathematics and Reasoning
- Following the tests, he may then be invited to the School for some further written testing in English and Mathematics only, which usually takes place on a Saturday morning in the middle of January followed by an interview with a senior member of staff, often later in January or early February. The head teacher of his present school will also be asked to send a report
per term | per year | |
Academic year 2019/2020 | £6,834 | £20,502 |
There is no official school transport, however; the following services are available and currently used by pupils. This transport is arranged by the parents directly with the operators:
Mini Bus Services
- North West London Route The route is: Stanmore – Edgware – St Johns Wood – Baker Street – WUS
- West London Route 1 The route is: W2 to W8 – SW7 – SW3 – WUS
- West London Route 2 The route is: W10 – W11 – W2 – WUS Taxis
There are two main external taxi providers chosen by parents who take several boys to and from school.
Scholarship / Bursaries
The School does not offer academic scholarships.
A small number of Music Scholarships are awarded each year at 11+ (Year 7) based on an applicant’s musical ability determined by audition. The value of a Music Scholarship will be 10% of the day fee and will last for two years, i.e. until the boy leaves the Under School.
Means-tested bursaries up to 100% of the fees, including a travelling and uniform allowance, are available for boys entering Westminster Under School at 11+ according to financial need.
Please check the school website link for details.Rating breakdown
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